Hi all, I’m afraid I’ve got some sad personal news to share.
Over the weekend, we lost a dear family friend and the bishop (minister) of our local church congregation. Honestly, I’m still in denial. Jonathan is – I can’t bring myself to say “was” – the type of dad who jumps on the trampoline with my kids and the kind of guy you can count on for anything, whether it’s a surf session at 6am or wisely talking you through a giant life problem. Jonny has been nothing but gentle, thoughtful, warm, generous, and selfless in the four years I’ve known him. He and his wife Elizabeth are some of the best people I’ve ever met in my life.
Obviously, losing our bishop is a huge shock for our community. Nate and I are trying to navigate it gently with our kids, who love him and his kids very much, as we pick up the pieces. My heart breaks over and over again for my friend Elizabeth every time I remember that this is real. The world feels like it has stopped turning for the last few days.
I could say so much more about Jonathan and how badly I already miss him. But to shift gears a little, I have a few thoughts to share about purpose…

This year I’ve made some changes to Handpicked (switching platforms, offering paid extras, etc) to try to serve my readers better. Lately I’ve been working more with women starting their own newsletters, and on our calls we focus on how they can serve their audience. Service. Purpose. It’s all swirling in my head right now – what is Handpicked’s purpose? Do I serve people?
I’m not naïve to the fact that this newsletter is purely for fun. Handpicked isn’t changing lives. But I hope it scratches our collective itch to find something delightful and uplifting and inspiring in our inboxes. I hope it gives you some pep in your step and something to inspire your relationships and group chats. Even though this newsletter is just a batch of links, I’m grateful you let me into your inbox and I hope we can become pen pals. I hope I can help you create your own thing. And, if you live in Southern California, I hope I get the chance to make photographs of you and your loved ones in person.
How I can serve you better? I would love to hear, I would love to help.
And now, naturally, some links.
today’s bouquet
First things first: family mini sessions are coming to Southern California! I’ll be announcing dates and locations next week. Reminder that paid subscribers get $50 off their session!
I’m curious: who’s your favorite influencer?
On Nate’s birthday we went to the Nike store and I found this “freak” sweatshirt I’m absolutely obsessed with. Don’t you love it? Nate also bought his first polo shirt that I’ve ever seen him wear in our 13+ years together. Milestone.
Today’s the last day of Christy Dawn’s 30-50% off sale. I have my eye on this curve-hugging sweater dress. My favorite blouse and an awesome red jumpsuit are still available in a few sizes. Someone grab this indigo sunflower dress before it’s sold out!
A breathtaking Kansas City home. Made me miss Prairie Village!
Absolutely screaming about this.
Just a sliver of a rainbow.
Creativity [is] something “that is both novel and appropriate.” That second part was key. “Suppose the person you hired to repave your driveway covered it with salami,” he said. “That would be novel, surely, but not appropriate.” The limits inherent in any project, he added – whether financial, material, or logistical – are actually the springboard to innovation, not its obstacle: you can’t color outside the lines until you know where the lines are.
– Peggy Orenstein
Made me smile: flying squirrels.
Thumbing through a well-curated book list to help my fourth grader pick her next read.
After reading last week’s gift guide, HP reader Bran recommended this delightful remote control helicopter for dads.
Congrats to HP reader Emily H. who just launched Good Egg, a newsletter about her real-time IVF journey. Highly recommend, especially if you’ve experienced infertility. Also, there are bird facts. Because eggs!
When I came across these sky-high wildflower murals, I burst into tears. Gosh, I’d love to see them in person.
I’m a few steps away from announcing Super Secret Art Project that I started in the spring. These spliced marble busts gave me some inspiration! You’ll see why soon, promise.
“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”
–Lucille Ball
5 things from Trader Joe’s, a sneak peak at family photos, and one thing that’s been helping me cope