Welcome to Handpicked.

Handpicked is a weekly dispatch of links and photographs, curated with love and strong opinions for the past 5+ years.

Every issue is jam-packed with sparkly little internet joys, cute clothes, and motherhood stuff. Sometimes it gets personal – from quitting Instagram to my fourth birth story and beyond.

Come for the curation, stay for the Deep Dives.

Each flower here was shot on Kodak film :)

about alex

I’m Alex Sorensen Steele, mother of four.

I’m also a portrait photographer: I’ve been making photos on film since 2010, mainly for families and small businesses. I also shoot little weddings in the American Southwest.

Last year I started helping other women create newsletters. I’m a third-generation newsletter writer and a giant newsletter nerd! If you’re thinking about starting a newsletter, please message me!

I’ve written hundreds of issues of Handpicked while my children nap, attend school, and/or run wild. I live in the South Bay of Los Angeles.

You can check out vintage issues of Handpicked here.

things i also am

Stay-at-home mom, bra-burning feminist, Instagram quitter, Anthropologie veteran, multiple miscarrier, Mormon, vegetarian, Trader Joe’s junkie, enormous know-it-all, Californian-turned-Midwesterner-turned-Californian, empath.

Email > Instagram forever

Happy to have you.

Subscribe to Handpicked by Alex Steele

A joyful link list + film photography digest, curated by a stay-at-home-mom of 4 in Manhattan Beach, CA.


Mother of 4, film photographer, empath, feminist, Mormon, salad queen.