If you have strong feelings, I'd love to chat
Also in here: Mary's birthday, two mugs, and three floral tops
Hi! What are you up to this week? I’m hosting Easter dinner on Sunday and hoping it doesn’t rain so that we can eat outside under our avocado tree, which is in full bloom.
Today is my baby sister Mary’s 23rd birthday! In her honor I’m returning to our childhood beach and texting her ridiculous memes all day.
Tomorrow I’m shooting my maybe-last wedding ever. Bittersweet. Here’s one of my favorite photos from a cliffside bridal session I shot earlier this month…
More photos of smiley brides + grooms here, if you’d like to see.
today’s bouquet
Had some great conversation after last week’s Mom Talk audio segment about being a stay-at-home-mom… I want to talk about it more and more. If you have strong feelings about a specific aspect of being a stay at home mom right now, will you reply to this email? You can also send me a DM through the Substack platform if you prefer.
Crying about my newborn disappearing.
Must watch: female athletes making history. “In the world” gave me goosebumps. LGF KC!!!
The backstory of that tender exchange between Regina King and Jimmy Kimmel.
Dried flower heaven! (via Ashley R.)
Woke up thinking about this lily-of-the-valley cardigan. Oh and this rainbow floral crop top. Oh and this daisy jacket. Florals? For spring?!
I met some extremely cool women wearing extremely cute shoes at Alt Summit: Sara was wearing these neon pink Adidas and Micah had on these woven leather mules. And I saw several moms walking around Palm Springs in minty 327s.
This chubby flower ring would make a terrific alternative engagement ring.
What a fun post: juvenile style.
Breathtaking photographs celebrating Latin American women’s long hair.
Dying to know: do you have a strong ethical/ more stance on reclining on an airplane? Related: do you ever send back food in a restaurant?
Nate mercilessly teased me through the whole Le Creuset outlet store for adding another mug to my [substantial] collection. Little does he know I’ve also got my eye on this braided purple one, handmade in Los Angeles :)))
vintage handpicked
This week in 2023: The Handpicked Easter Basket Gift Guide
This week in 2022: Eleanor was not expecting this :'(
This week in 2021: Big announcement!
This week in 2020: Hi from home.
This week in 2019: Spring is so close I can taste it!
can’t stop laughing

“It is no accident, Ma, that the comma resembles a fetus — that curve of continuation. We were all once inside our mothers, saying with our entire curved and silenced selves, more, more, more. I want to insist that our being alive is beautiful enough to be worthy of replication. And so what? So what if all I ever made of my life was more of it?”
—Ocean Vuong, “On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous”
last thing
Most popular link from last week: the house in the forest
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Grateful for you.
Wait. last wedding??? Tell us more!!